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Does your website drive enquiries?

On average, we increase the number of visits to prep school websites by 67.89%.

DID YOU KNOW? One of our latest creative campaigns for a prep school has increased the number of visits by 112.94%. WOW.

More visits + a magical user experience = more enquiries!

Here's a few other stats to help you understand how much of an impact updating your website with us can make" 

237.5% more enquiries than this time last year for one of our 3-18 years old schools
63% more enquiries for a prep school

Not only do our websites look, and feel inspired, they also work!

How do we do this?

We have a simple methodology: PUBLISH ONCE, TAG, INTEGRATE.

We 'get' schools, we 'get' marketing, and we 'get' technology. What else do you need?

It has to be more than just a templated school website!

Our AWESOME portfolio

We don’t believe in templated solutions, but do believe in taking an advertising approach to design. The difference between a good website homepage and a great website homepage is a quality image. The difference between a great website homepage, and a ‘stand out’ homepage experience - is the impact it makes to the user.

Want to find out more?

Let us help you!

We've been ridding the world of average school websites since 2006, and know we can make your school stand-out!

Invite us in to chat about your new school website.