Easy Scheduling for #SocialAdvent

With #SocialAdvent in full swing, and rapidly growing, we wanted to lend a hand for schools over the weekend.

Of course, some of you will have busy weekends planned. And you most certainly don't want to be getting up early Christmas Day to tweet!

So here are some tools to help you easily schedule for days you cannot live-tweet.


Buffer is a tool that allows you to quickly add tweets to a queue, that smartly shares out your tweets throughout the day. You also have the ability to schedule tweets for specific times.


  • FREE - up to 10 tweets at a time
  • $10 per month - up to 250 tweets at a time

Buffers pricing works on how many tweets you have schedule at a particular time. If you have 10 tweets currently schedule, you won't be able to add any more until a tweet is sent.

Visit Buffer


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows you to control and monitor multiple networks.

It also allows you to schedule tweets.


  • FREE - up 1 post at a time
  • 350 posts - £6.99 a month

Visit Hootsuite


TweetDeck is a fantastic tool for monitoring and listening to Twitter. You set up multiple columns for lists, searches, activity etc.

And, you can schedule tweets!


FREE - TweetDeck is free, and there are no limits on how many tweets you can schedule.

TweetDeck is owned by Twitter, so that's why there is no monetisation needed!

Visit TweetDeck