How to Create an A* Open Day Landing Page


It’s that time of the year again - admissions season!

Many schools over complicate their admissions process. Landing pages are a huge part of this. Parents see multiple open day admissions pages, so how will yours stand out from the crowd?

1. Keep it Brief

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Parents know what to expect from an open day, so keep the text limited on this page to what is strictly need to know e.g. dates/times etc. Anything else you will be able to tell them, or even better show them, when they are visiting the school.

2. Short Form

When including a registration form, ensure this is kept short. You don’t need to gather all their information straight away. Long forms will put people off completing them and you will potentially miss out on visitors. The only information you need at this early stage is: name, e-mail, phone number and child’s age.

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3. Video Content

If you have a recent school video this is a really great place to display it. It gives people a taste of what they can expect from the school, without overloading them with text. However, be careful to not upload outdated video content that has lost its relevance.

4. Language Choice

Ensure the language you use is positive and inspiring. Parents and children need to form emotional bonds to their future school, and that journey starts at the open day registration.

5. Obvious CTA

Make sure parents know exactly what the next steps are that they need to take with an obvious ‘Call to Action’.

If you follow these easy steps you’ll be able to create the perfect open day landing page, but if you are struggling with anything please get in touch with one of our team!