Using Paid Advertising in School Marketing


Marketing is no longer a one-way system of advertising a product. No longer are we simply sold a product, it has become a two-way system of communication. Marketers must now provide value, importance and often entertainment. 


Ever logged in to your preferred social media channel and wondered why you are seeing an ad for something that you were searching for earlier? Is your instant thought that your phone must be listening to you? Well, you are right, in a way! The amount of information that Facebook, Google and other platforms hold about us would surprise even the most tech-savvy marketer. Facebook even gives you the option to download the data that they hold on you. Ever wondered how they got that information? It’s that little cookie bar at the bottom of the page. But, as a school marketer this information is priceless and not simply spooky. Digital advertising overtook traditional advertisements for the first time this year: so what better time to get on board! 

How can my school use paid advertising?

Every decision in marketing must be informed by data. It’s at our very core as a company in our motto:

Informed by data, transformed by tech, led by humans.

This data is vital in making informed decisions on who to target in your advertising and marketing efforts. Use this data collected to find your target audience and those who are your target audience but do not yet know it. 

Here are some ways in which your school can use paid advertising:

  • Open days - Have an open day coming up? Run a conversion campaign to drive sign-ups to your event. 

  • Events - Have a big event coming up open to the public? Much like open day campaigns, use paid advertising to drive conversions on this event. 

  • Not a well-known school in the local area? - Use a brand awareness campaign to make people aware of your school and why their child MUST go here or at the very least attend an open day. 

  • Blogs - Does your school not run open houses? Be creative in driving people to your website. Blog posts such as ‘The values of an independent school education’ would be brilliant in driving traffic to your website. Then, with a call to action on the page, encourage visitors to log their information or delve deeper into your website. 

  • Website traffic: Got a shiny, new Interactive Schools website? - Use a traffic campaign to drive new visitors to your website to let them see for themselves. 

How can we help?

At Interactive Schools we are experts in all things digital, social, and creative. They do not call us the team of #DigitalJedi for nothing. 

  • We can set up your campaigns for you based on our experience with 100s of schools WORLDWIDE. 

  • We can use our @intSchools special sauce to craft the perfect campaign with the perfect keywords and targeting

  • We can recommend the perfect media based on past first-hand experience of successful campaigns and in-depth knowledge of each platform.

  • Not getting the expected results on your campaign? We can help! Paid advertising is a learning process and we sure have had a lot of learning time! 

  • Daily tracking on your advertising to make sure everything is running as planned and make any optimisations to any ads not reaching our high expectations. 

  • Weekly in-depth reports of your campaign progress and any changes we’ve made. 

  • Availability for a chat  ☕️ at any time to speak through any optimisations and recommendations made. 

  • Ultimately, we ‘get’ schools and can help 🚀BOOST admissions and 🚘DRIVE engagement to your school.

There are plenty of platforms out there on which to advertise your events/school. Do you want to know more about which platforms you should be focusing your advertising efforts on? Complete the form below for exclusive access to our Interactive Schools guides to how to advertise on each platform.