The Ultimate Facebook Ads Glossary

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Are you a school marketer who runs campaigns on Facebook but is not sure what all the jargon means? If the answer is yes, then this blog is for you! 

We all know that staying on top of all the new metrics Facebook throws at us on a weekly basis is hard, especially when you come from traditional marketing. This is exactly why we wrote this blog, to help you navigate the world of Facebook Ads Manager.

The Campaign Level is essentially the heart, at this level you are able to choose your objective and campaign budget. Both Ad Sets and Ads live within a campaign.

Ad Sets focus on audience targeting such as location and interests and where you want your ad to be displayed, essentially it is the mind of your Ad. 

An Ad is where you add your creatives, description, headlines and most importantly link to your landing page, think about it as the body of the overall campaign.  

Bid Strategy allows you to control how you want Facebook to bid in an auction. There are a few options you can choose from: lowest cost which brings the most results for your budget, cost cap which allows you to control the cost while getting a high volume of results and lastly the most manual option bid cap in which you select the price for each bid. 

Budget allows you to set the maximum amount of money you are willing to spend on the whole campaign. There are two types of budgets: lifetime and daily, if you select lifetime budget you are telling Facebook that you want them to control the daily spend which might differ day to day. Whereas if you select a daily budget you set a maximum limit per day you want Facebook to spend.  

Attribution Window is a 7 day period of time during which Facebook credits conversions made on the landing page to the ad itself. Facebook made some changes to the attribution window but don’t worry, we outlined all the details in a previous blog post!

Impressions is the number of times your ad was displayed on Facebook or Instagram, this metric includes people who have seen your ad more than once. 

Reach measures how many people saw your ad at least once. Reach is different from Impressions because it does not include multiple views by the same people. This is a good metric for school marketers to keep an eye on when running paid campaigns! 

Link Clicks is the number of people that clicked on links within the ad to your landing page. To understand this metric better, compare it to your reach to see how many people saw the ad then clicked on it. 

Conversions are actions taken from the ad such as form submissions. This metric is only available if you select ‘conversions’ as your campaign objective.

CTR or Click-Through-Rate calculates the percentage of people that saw your ad (impressions) and clicked on it. If your CTR is low this could indicate that you are targeting the wrong audience or the message on your ad is not clear enough. 

Cost-per-Click or CPC measures how much on average a single click will cost you. 

If you have any concerns or questions about your social media performance, or you would simply like us to take the stress away and run your campaigns for you, don’t hesitate to contact one of our social team.