What is Dark Mode and Why is Every Platform Adopting it?
Have you ever been on your devices and found the screen brightness just way too much to handle?
Yeah, us too.
Thankfully, there's a new feature that many websites and apps are adopting: Dark Mode (or sometimes called Night Mode).
What is Dark mode ?
Dark mode is a feature that shifts the background colours of a website or app from bright colours to darker tones that are much easier on the eyes.
Why should I use Dark Mode?
Scientific evidence has shown that exposure to blue light from our devices suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone needed for sleep, so switching on Dark mode is not only easier on your eyes, but can help make sure you catch those Z’s.
Switching to the dark side also has some unexpected benefits.Dark Mode can save your precious battery life if you have a device with an OLED screen, plus it looks pretty cool compared to the bland white backgrounds we’ve been used to for years!
Which platforms support dark mode?
Dark mode is now available on a wide range of websites and apps including:
Facebook Messenger
Amazon Kindle
Apple and Google also recently released system wide dark modes for iOS and Android, so your messages, emails and even web browsing have joined the dark side!
How do I turn on Dark Mode?
Dark mode can be switched on in the Display settings of each app. Some apps allow you to schedule dark mode to switch on automatically in the evening or even automatically if you switch on system wide dark mode in iOS or Android.
There you have it, your complete guide to dark mode. If you’d like to know any more tips and tricks for how to take your social media knowledge to the next level, get in contact with our team of #DigitalJedi.