Vidigami: What Is It And Why Should Your School Use It?

Within the current social media landscape, there are many different platforms on which users are able to curate photos into digital albums and pages. However, Vidigami’s facial recognition technology serves as its distinct edge, making it the perfect platform for providing families with a personally curated view of their child’s school journey, from their very first day to their last.

User-Friendly Interface and Privacy Controls

Parents, students and staff members will be able to log in with a unique code and upload images of school life and events, as well as view pictures featuring their child and their classmates. Users are able to filter the level of visibility of the images and videos they are posting, as well as the images their child is in: ranging from completely unrestricted access to all users to limitations such as no sharing beyond the platform, or opting out from others seeing the photographs altogether.

Automated Organisation & Search Functionality

Built with and for schools, upon upload, every piece of content is promptly categorised by year, relevant page and album through automated tagging, facilitating effortless searchability. Using language specific to your school, you can also filter content by classes, departments, sections etc.

Like all elements of AI, users can help to elevate the success rate of the facial recognition feature when responding to prompts that ask ‘Is this your child?’ when there is not 100% certainty whether or not the content featured is your child. Users are also able to tag members by name, to reduce other members' missing content relevant to their child.

If consent and permissions allow, Vidigami content is embeddable and can be shared directly to other social media platforms and networks such as Instagram, Facebook and X, and can also integrate with the Media Wall on an Interactive Schools website. If the correct #HashtagStrategy is implemented, Vidigami content can be driven to relevant areas of your school website.

See the example of Fort Worth Country Day School using Vidigami integration on their website:

Control and Protection for Schools

From the perspective of a school, you will have overall access management, meaning you can select the individuals who access specific content. With users having the capability to revoke photography content with a mere click of a button, users are empowered to take control of their own permissions. Users are able to grant attribution and safeguard images from duplication by employing copyright protection and watermarks. And for those of you who are bound by the laws of GDPR, do not fear, Vidigami’s host servers are designed with GDPR in mind, taking the stress out of data privacy and storage.

Vidigami’s shared dedication to providing a seamless visual insight into an individualised  #SchoolStory that ensures all members' privacy and photography permissions are adhered to is priceless. The curatable and customisable aspect of this platform ensures that it is a vital asset to every school’s marketing strategy now and for many years to come. 

For more information on how your school can benefit from the use of Vidigami, please reach out to