How to Write Compelling Copy for Facebook Ads

How to write Facebook Ads.png

A couple of months ago we took you through how to set up an ad on Facebook in 5 easy steps. This week we will be discussing how to write compelling copy for your Facebook Ads.

With 2.38 BILLION monthly active users as of 2019, the advertising opportunities make the platform one of the biggest in the world. Using Facebook for paid advertising is not only targetable, but is also a very cost effective and trackable option to get users onto your website or converting. Facebook ads will allow you to target only those who are likely to turn from prospective parents/students to bums on seats!

Here are 5 ways that your school could use Facebook ads:

  • Do you have an open day coming up? Are sign-ups lower than expected? Use Facebook ads to directly increase conversions.

  • Run an ad campaign to promote any events open to the public.

  • Having trouble finding that new brilliant member of staff? Use Facebook ads to advertise recruitment positions.

  • New @intSchools website? Drive meaningful traffic to check out your shiny, new website.

  • Major news announcements: are you opening up a new school or building? Paid advertising will help drive awareness to this new, exciting project.


So, now we know when we could be running Facebook ads, let’s delve deeper into the accompanying copy to include.

Writing a compelling Facebook Ads copy is like writing a book, it’s art and sometimes it does not come easy. Hopefully, with these 5 handy tips, your job will be much more straightforward!

1. Understand your target audience:

Do you know the interests of your target audience? Do you check Analytics to inform decisions? To guarantee your Facebook Ad is successful, you need to ensure that you know how to effectively communicate with your target audience.

2. Make your copy relevant to the images:

Your copy needs to relate to the image in your ad. If you are advertising an open day, we would recommend using photos of your happy students, instead of using an image of a school building.

3. Capture the target prospective parent’s attention:

Focus on explaining how you will make a positive impact on potential student’s lives, once you capture the prospective parent’s attention, they will naturally want to know more about your school and what you have to offer.

4. Add a sense of urgency:

Everyone has FOMO (fear of missing out) on social media these days. Therefore, if you are advertising, for example, an open day, ensure to create urgency in your copy by using words such as “today”, “now” or “this week.”

5. Add a call to action:

Use language such as ‘Contact us now!’ or ‘Learn More’ in order to guide your audience and tell them what to do next, instead of just scrolling past.


Limit text on images:

Put the most important message on your image but ensure to not use more than 20% of text, any more text than that comes with a risk of your ad not reaching as many people. You can use Image Text Check tool to avoid the risk.


We hope these tips will help you with writing a compelling copy for Facebook ads. Having trouble setting up your ads? We run advertising campaigns here @intSchools. Enquire here about how we could help your school running ad campaigns.